September 5, 2013

Where did you go??

If you could take 3 months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do?

I would travel. I have not been to many place in my life so I have tons of places I want to go. I would take a cooking class in each place that I go, because I love to cook. Immerse myself in the culture. It would be amazing! I may or may not let my BF come along. But my dog for sure! Here is where I would go:

Venice, Italy
One of the Fairy Pools in the Cuilins, Scotland
A Fairy Pool, Scotland

Stepping Stones, Ireland

bora bora, tahiti
Bora Bora

Six Senses Resort Laamu, Maldives

September 4, 2013

Where I'm From

So I am trying something new- Blogtember - post ideas for everyday of the month of September. A challenge to blog more regularly. The past couple of weeks, have been good. Same old same old. I got in 3 runs last week, and on Monday ran 5 miles (instead of 6) were I happened to fall at mile 1.5. Just so you know, I have fallen in 2 races, just because, not tripped on my feet or cracks, just a twist of the ankle and down I go. I also fall during my trainings, so Klutz alert. I will see what I can do this week.

Wednesday: 3.5 miles
Thursday: 6 X 400 5K pace
Friday: 3 miles
Sunday: 5K Race

Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

Here is my family.

I come from an average family from Pennsylvania. My parents met in college and got married in 1977. They met at the University of Rhode Island, where they were in a program for the African American students at their school. They had my sister in 1979, I was born in 1982 and they had my brother in 1988. I say that they could have stopped with me, but hey I guess they wanted a boy. 

In 1988, my maternal grandmother came to live with us and help my parents out. We always had an adult around the house, and unfortunately I did not appreciate having a grandparent live with us until I moved away to college. My grandmother was amazing in that she never finished high school and fully expected to live with her parents for all her life, until she met my grandfather in her early 30s. For her generation, she got married later in life, but still managed to have 3 children. 

We grew up with the expectation to do well and succeed. My parents showed a united front with us and I cannot remember them ever fighting in front of us. My childhood was ideal, I would say. I was lucky enough to have two parents who worked hard and cared for us. We were raised to believe that we could do anything that we put our minds too and they trusted us enough to let us make mistakes and learn from them. My parents instilled in us importance of working hard and let us make our own choices in life. I truly believe that my parents shaped who I am today and I am better for having them by my side. 

August 22, 2013

Losing It and accepting limits

Hola party people...Holla at ur gurl!

Yesterday, I stepped on my frenemy the scale. She read 196.6. She may be my new best friend because that is 2 more lbs down. That is a total loss of 10 lbs. Milestone met and savoring the moment.

If you read this little space in the ether on Monday, you know I worked out all of 2 times last week, but my eating was on par. I am currently broken up with MyfitnessPal and am just doing my own thing. Not counting macros, not counting calories, just eating clean. Not worrying about what the scale is going to read and living life out loud.

As of today, I have worked out once - combining 2 of my runs into one last night. I rocked 3 miles and 1.25 miles of speed work. By taking time off, my endurance has gone down and I have slowed down. Progress not perfection.

I realized that I am setting the bar too high with training and strength. I cannot go from 2 workouts to 6 workouts in a week. I read a lot of blogs and I see all my ladies rockin it at the gym and I want to be that dedicated. Right now I am not, so I am not going to beat myself up. I have not started Ripped in 30. I may or may not get in 3 more runs this week, and I am okay with that.

TODAY is the DAY I stop trying to act like someone maintaining their weight, who has worked up to working out 5 - 6 days a week (and loves/hates it) and start acting like the recommitted person I am. I am going to make it and if I do not pressure myself to be perfect, than I think I can succeed. One day at a time. One step at a time. One moment at a time. CHANGE YOUR MIND CHANGE YOUR BODY!

That's it for today.

Motivate Me!
OH!  I love this!!

August 19, 2013

Weekend Recap + Weekly Goals

Hello There:

So this weekend I had the opportunity to do nothing. Absolutely not a thing. My boyfriend was away at a Bachelor Party Weekend, and I had the pleasure of giving myself a gel manicure on Friday and watching the entire season of Orange is the New Black on Netflix. I may or may not have had cereal for dinner and cookies!

On Saturday, woke up at maybe 11am and went for a 4 miles walk/run. It was so bad it is hard to mention. Then I took a nap. I woke up and started watching Hunted, which is a Max Series. I decided to make meatballs and sauce using Ida Garten's recipe. It was easy and delicious, plus I knew I did not want to make dinner on Sunday.

Sunday, I went to brunch and had a delicious tasting menu and interesting conversation with a lovely lady I just met. I took another nap, then the boyfriend came home and it was back to normal. Sunday dinner and Game of Thrones. We are now on season 3. I already read the books and have to remind myself not to answer his questions because it spoils it!

Weekly Goals Recap and This weeks Goals:

Monday: Ripped in 30/ rest
Tuesday: RI30 + 3.5 mile run/ 2.48 mile walk
Wednesday: RI30 + 35 minute tempo run/ rest
Thursday: RI30 + 3 mile run/ rest
Friday: RI30/ rest
Saturday: RI30 + 3 miles @ pace/ rest
Sunday: RI30 + 6 mile run/ 4 miles of torture

As you can see, I did nothing last week. I was not feeling motivated at all. I am trying to come to grips with the slow progress that I make and it is discouraging. But that being said I am restarting my Army 10 miler training today. It is 9 weeks away. My goal is to do better than I did last year. That is it. 

Monday: Ripped in 30
Tuesday: RI30 + 3 mile run
Wednesday: RI30 + 5X400 @ 5K pace
Thursday: RI30 + 3 mile run
Friday: RI30
Saturday: RI30 + 3 mile run
Sunday: RI30 + 5 mile run

Motivate Me!

Oprah winfrey ~ Quotes

August 12, 2013

I'm Back and better than ever!

Extra Extra Read All About It!

If you haven't realized, I struggle. I am always searching for the next best thing.

I want to lose this extra weight for good.

I have the desire. Do I have the drive? 

Yes and No.

I just try. 

Every damn day.

To want it.

I can taste success!

I am succeeding. Slowly, but surely.

My weight today: 198.4. 

I lose slow. BUT I Lose. And that is success and all I can ask for.

Weekly Goals:

Monday: Ripped in 30
Tuesday: RI30 + 3.5 mile run
Wednesday: RI30 + 35 minute tempo run
Thursday: RI30 + 3 mile run
Friday: RI30
Saturday: RI30 + 3 miles @ pace
Sunday: RI30 + 6 mile run

Motivate Me!

August 6, 2013

I got back from vacation last week and immediately came down with something. Grr! Got to love the crazy bugs going around this summer. I be back soon, Promise!

technology rocks. seriously.: Saying & Posters & Quotes OH MY! {Part 5}

July 26, 2013

5 on Friday

Today I am linking up with Darci for 5 on Friday. Here we go. Five things I am looking forward to this next week.

1. I am going to Myrtle Beach for the first time. I have been to FL already this summer, but this is truly the first vacation where the plan is to lay on the beach and do nothing.

2. It is a all girls trip. All I can think about is the Little Rascals and the NO BOYS ALLOWED club. Oh alfalfa.

3. I am kind of looking forward to getting away from the BF. Living with a boy is tough.

4. I don't have to plan one aspect of this trip. My girls have it covered.

5. Did I mention we only have to pay 13 dollars for 3 nights/4days. Got to love parents with condos!

Motivate Me!

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

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